First day of work complete!

It’s the end of the first work day, and we survived! The construction team is working to dig several holes that will act as footing for a new building. The holes are 8 feet deep and about 7 feet wide. They finished the largest hole today and got a few others started. Here are a few pics from the work site:

Travis and ChrisConstruction teamMom hauling a bucket of dirt

The construction team is in south Quito, and the VBS team is in north Quito at a daycare. I don’t have a lot of pictures from VBS, but I promise Karen has taken tons of beautiful photos. We had about 40 kids this morning and 40 after lunch, all between 6-11 years old. We also had the help of two translators – Pamela and Margarita. Continue reading

When tech writers get together . . .

OK, so chaos doesn’t necessarily ensue, but we do know how to have fun. This Saturday the Atlanta chapter of STC tailgated and watched a Gwinnett Braves game. This was my first event as 2nd VP of the chapter, and I think it was a success. We had great snacks, good music, and fun people. Even the weather cooperated to give us a beautiful day despite forecasts of rain.

STC TailgateSTC Tailgate

Unfortunately, I didn’t get to stay for the game, because Roger and I already had plans for that night. But we tailgated for a few hours. I definitely recommend going to a game, because the facility is super nice and the traffic isn’t bad at all. I hope I get to go back soon and actually see a game. But for now, I can tell you the parking lot is very nice and well suited to tailgaters.