When tech writers get together . . .

OK, so chaos doesn’t necessarily ensue, but we do know how to have fun. This Saturday the Atlanta chapter of STC tailgated and watched a Gwinnett Braves game. This was my first event as 2nd VP of the chapter, and I think it was a success. We had great snacks, good music, and fun people. Even the weather cooperated to give us a beautiful day despite forecasts of rain.

STC TailgateSTC Tailgate

Unfortunately, I didn’t get to stay for the game, because Roger and I already had plans for that night. But we tailgated for a few hours. I definitely recommend going to a game, because the facility is super nice and the traffic isn’t bad at all. I hope I get to go back soon and actually see a game. But for now, I can tell you the parking lot is very nice and well suited to tailgaters.

Another thing to love about Atlanta . . .

. . . there are no love bugs.

On a trip to visit my parents, Roger and I turned onto one of the many back roads in Wilmer and were pelted with splatterings to the windshield. Like any born and raised Gulf Coast girl, I knew exactly what was happening – love bugs flying like mindless idiots. There are so many of them that you often mistake them for rain, until you realize wait, rain doesn’t leave smudges . . . ewww. Welcome to Alabama my friends!

The curious thing is, I hadn’t realized it was love bug season yet (oh yes, there’s a season – the bugs show up twice a year every year). And that’s when I fell in love with Atlanta all over again. Sure, we drive on 7 lanes of I-75 in mind-numbing traffic while risking our lives as we dodge 18-wheelers trying to merge onto 285. But I’ll take it any day over swarms of love bugs.

However, mosquitoes do inhabit Atlanta. I should know. I was bit 7 times this weekend. And I won’t mention the huge black spiders I’ve seen in our garage (even Roger thinks they’re big).

Attention all bugs: you can bite me! Well, you know what I mean.

Good Eats

We took a long lunch today and ventured to Eats. I’m a huge fan of cheese tortellini, so my coworkers immediately suggested I eat at this place. I ordered the cheese-filled spinach tortellini with alfredo sauce, and it was YUMMMMM-Y! They also serve another one of my favorite foods – jerk chicken. So you know what that means . . . we have to go back!